Mobile Learning y Nuevos Escenarios de Aprendizaje en Ciencias Básicas

Published in: Engineering for a Smarter Planet: Innovation, ITC, and Computational Tools for Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the 9th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology
Date of Conference: August 3-5, 2011
Location of Conference: Medellin, Colombia
Authors: Mario Dorochesi Fernandois
Leonardo Madariaga Bravo
Inés Tealdo Kenkel
Refereed Paper: #176


Since 2008, the Engineering Design Products (IDP), Federico Santa María Technical University (UTFSM), is being developed to link the experience of digital communication technologies, to support increased student learning . Initially, we have sought work in the Podcast generation's education, ie short videos downloadable from the Internet, educational moments that generate complementary to the work done in the classroom. This paper seeks to communicate the approaches, following the link Podcast's experience with the teaching of mathematics in the first half of the students in IDP and other disciplines assigned to the course MAT-011. This is an initial experience in which professors participate in the race, featuring the collaboration of the Department of Mathematics, UTFSM, where he pursues the ultimate goal, to help optimize the quality of learning through the learning supplement "classroom" with the transmission of stimuli for learning over time "outside classroom", taking advantage of this last condition to strengthen knowledge from a flexible, active and friendly, and using the strong appeal of mobile devices have in the university students.