Optimización de una red de abastecimiento de gas natural licuado (Optimizing a network of LNG supply)

Published in: Megaprojects: Building Infrastructure by Fostering Engineering Collaboration, Efficient and Effective Integration and Innovative Planning: Proceedings of the 10th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology
Date of Conference: July 23-25, 2012
Location of Conference: Panama City, Panama
Authors: Christian Cornejo Sánchez
Wilmer Atoche Díaz
Miguel Mejía Puente
Refereed Paper: #109


In English:
The paper shows the optimization of resources (tanks and cisterns) for the supply network of liquefied natural gas (LNG) at different cities in a certain area of Perú. The network consist in move the LNG in tanks from the gas production plant to cisterns located at the points of demand. This study includes three types of demand: industrial, residential and vehicular. We worked with two models, one linear programming and heuristic model to contrast the results in two scenarios: a cisterns fleet for each type of demand and a single fleet to integrated demand. The models shows the quantities of tanks and cisterns for each type of business units in the two scenarios, at minimum cost. Finally, the demand with a single fleet of tanks is less expensive than fleets for each sector presumption is verified.

In Spanish:
El artículo muestra la optimización de recursos (tanques y cisternas) para la red de abastecimiento de gas natural licuado (GNL) a diferentes ciudades de cierta zona del Perú. La red consiste en trasladar desde la planta productora de gas, el GNL en cisternas hacia los tanques ubicados en los puntos de demanda. Este estudio abarca tres tipos de demanda: industrial, residencial y vehicular. Se trabajó con dos modelos, uno de programacion lineal y un modelo heurístico para contrastar los resultados en dos escenarios: flota para cada tipo de demanda y una sola flota para la demanda integrada. Los modelos muestran las cantidades de cisternas y tanques al mínimo costo. Finalmente, se verifica la presunción que atender la demanda integrada con una sola flota de camiones es menos costosa que con flotas para cada sector.