Diagnóstico para identificar el flujo óptimo para las operaciones de transbordo entre terminales marítimos.

Published in: Innovation in Engineering, Technology and Education for Competitiveness and Prosperity: Proceedings of the 11th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology
Date of Conference: August 14-16, 2013
Location of Conference: Cancun, Mexico
Authors: Eduardo Carbajal López
Refereed Paper: #185


In English:
Within the port activities in the main maritime terminals of Peru, a recurring problem is the logistics of managing containers that arrive daily and are to be allocated to a different port terminal for its exit from the port. In the particular case of Callao, the main port of the country, there is a high number of containers that daily should move between two existing maritime terminals. This process generates problems transshipment of long queues at the entrance of the terminals and cost overruns not generated in a timely manner the rotation of the containers in the terminals. The present investigation sought to carry out a diagnosis and suggest improvements for the transshipment process using the discrete-event simulation to evaluate the potential solutions to the process described above.

In Spanish:
Dentro de las actividades portuarias en los principales terminales marítimos del Perú, un problema recurrente es el de la gestión logística de los contenedores que arriban diariamente y deben ser destinados a un distinto terminal portuario para su salida del puerto. En el caso particular del Callao, el principal puerto del país, existe un alto número de contenedores que diariamente deben trasladarse entre dos terminales marítimos existentes. Este proceso de transbordo genera problemas de largas colas de espera a la entrada de los terminales y sobrecostos al no generar de forma oportuna la rotación de los contenedores en los terminales. La presente investigación busca realizar un diagnóstico y proponer mejoras para el proceso de transbordo empleando la simulación de eventos discretos para evaluar las potenciales soluciones planteadas al proceso descrito.