Apuntes Sobre Sociologia Y Filosofia De La Ingenieria

Published in: Innovation in Engineering, Technology and Education for Competitiveness and Prosperity: Proceedings of the 12th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology
Date of Conference: July 21-24,2014
Location of Conference: Guayaquil,Ecuador
Authors: Adriana Patricia Gallego Torres
Mónica Rueda Pinto
Refereed Paper: #250


This paper presents an approach to the sociology and philosophy of engineering, from the general problem of the relationship between Philosophy and Sociology, revise proposed taking as an example the historical reconstruction of recognition of engineering as a scientific discipline.


Este trabajo presenta una aproximación a la sociología y la filosofía de la ingeniería, a partir del problema general de la relación entre filosofíay sociología, se propone revisarla tomando como caso la reconstrucción histórica del reconocimiento de la ingeniería como disciplina científica.